Community Garden Bed Registration
Largest Community Garden in Broward County
75 Garden Beds Available Throughout the Year
Grow your own food by renting a 4’x8’ raised garden bed in our community garden.
Included with your registration:
Full irrigation for watering
UFI’s Exclusive Soil Protocol specific to our subtropical setting
Ongoing Talk@Ten garden classes on Saturday mornings where questions can be answered and techniques can be discussed
Regular Chef@Eleven demonstrations following the Talk@Ten garden classes so you know how to cook what you grow
New gardener support from advanced gardeners
Purchase urban gardening supplies in our Garden Shed
Summer Hours: 9:00am-12:00pm - Please call 954-696-9577 to ensure a UFI gardener is available in the store during summer hours.
Spring/Fall/Winter Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm
Use of onsite gardening tools - rakes, shovels, buckets, hoses
Daily access to the community gardens
Discounted bed rentals for Oakland Park residents (must show proof of residency)
Choose from two growing season options:
September through May - Full Grow Season — Oakland Park Resident $89.00 — Non-Resident $99.00 (Prices subject to change.)
June through August - Summer Mini Season — Oakland Park Resident $25.00 — Non-Resident $30.00 (Prices subject to change.)
Grow with Us!
Gardens are available for rent through City of Oakland Park with ONLINE and IN-PERSON options.
Step 1:
Register Online: Oakland Park’s Activity Portal
Register In-Person: City of Oakland Park City Hall
3650 NE 12th Ave, Oakland Park, FL 33334
(954) 630-4500
Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm (except holidays)
Step 2:
Bring your receipt to the UFI Garden Shed for garden bed assignment. Garden Shed Hours: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Step 3:
Attend a Talk@Ten garden chat on Saturday’s at 10:00am at UFI where we will show you how to grow a healthy and successful garden. Visit our YouTube channel and view our catalog of educational videos that will inspire and inform.
Step 4:
Sign up for our newsletter below to stay informed of all of UFI’s numerous classes, nutritional talks from field experts, guest speakers, kids programs, chef demonstrations and more.