Research on the Farm

Patricia Keating, PhD

Patricia Keating PhD is a licensed Biochemist from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She obtained her PhD in Immunology from Florida Atlantic University. She graduated in the Master in Nutrition Program at Nova Southeastern University and joined us as part of the Preceptor program.

Dr. Keating has conducted research in the fields of autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and asthma, and in the immune responses to breast cancer in mouse models. Dr. Keating has also worked for several pharmaceutical companies evaluating the immune response to vaccines in their clinical trials. Dr Keating’s main interests are the study of inflammation and prevention of disease through wellness and lifestyle modifications. 


The 100 Garden Initiative w/ Marissa (Graduate Student Dietician at NSU)


Vicki Abraham (Graduate Student Dietician at NSU)